Getting a good night’s sleep depends on many components. The most important overlying component is routine. Keeping the same sleep schedule actually trains the body and mind to expect and allow for system shut down to more easily get into a sleep mode and through the sleep cycles including REM sleep. Read more
Our oral cavity is the gate way to our bodies. It is here that digestion is first initiated. Thorough mastication of our food into a bolus which created more surface area that can be more easily digested by our stomach allowing the nutrients to be absorbed more efficiently and thoroughly by our small intestine. Read more
Insomnia, is characterized by the inability to sleep or abnormal wakefulness, usually resulting from an underlying condition or cause. Sleep is one of the most integral components of human life. During sleep our body repairs itself, our immune system becomes more enhanced, and our organs have a chance to rest and revitalize. Read more
“Deep breathing is a BIG part of your well-being. It’s even more important than drinking water. It’s right up there with life itself.” Abraham Hicks
Deep breathing via exercise.
Exercise conditions our bodies to optimally inhale and utilize the air we breathe. Upon exertion, we expand our nostrils and forcibly inhale air into our trachea, down into our lungs and eventually it makes its way into our blood stream. The oxygenated blood travels to our muscles giving them the ability to more effectively utilize the body’s accumulative food stores for energy production. In effect creating a condition where our bodies become more efficient biological engines, maximizing power, minimizing waste, and decreasing accumulated fat stores. Deep breathing improves your blood flow by releasing carbon dioxide and increasing the oxygen supply more effectively. Read more
Oxygenation is the key to life.
Without oxygen none of our organs function properly. There is also a direct correlation between oxygenation, longevity, quality of life, and esthetics. We need oxygen in order to properly metabolize and maximize the benefits we receive from our intake of food and liquids. Oxygen is used by our cells to maintain and strengthen our immune system, there for preventing us from getting viruses, colds, cancer, and other degenerative diseases. It is oxygen that in combination with carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen that are used in the Krebs cycle to give our organs the energy and repair that are constantly going on in our bodies. Read more